地址: 武汉市洪山区鲁磨路388号中国地质大学校内(武汉)

纽约证券交易所上市公司Ormat公司科技公司(NYSE:ORA)已建世界上最大的地热发电厂。地热发电厂利地核所发出的热量,把这浪费的热能转化为电能。 100兆瓦的地热发电厂在新西兰被称为世界上最大的地热电:Ngatamariki地热发电站,其成本为1.42亿美元(0.12亿左右的误差),这是有史以来建造的最大的单一双工质发电站。
Ormat公司说,它的能量来自于高温(380°F/ 193°C)地热流体。但是到现在为止唯一的蒸汽涡轮机或使用蒸汽(水)的混合组在被使用。这个新工厂不使用水,从而保持完好地下水库,低排放。该厂用两年时间建成,发电将达到年产700亿千瓦时,大约有足够的能量,供给80,000新西兰家庭。
The New York Stock Exchange-traded company Ormat Technologies (NYSE:ORA) has built what’s being cited as theworld’s largest geothermal plant. Geothermal plants tap into heat emitted by the earth’s core, turning this otherwise wasted heat into electricity. The 100 MW plant now online in New Zealand is being called the world’s largest: the Ngatamariki geothermal power plant cost $142 million USD to build ($12 million off target) and it is the biggest “singular binary power plant” ever constructed. Ormat says its energy converters are fed by a high temperature (380°F / 193°C) geothermal fluid. But until now only steam turbines or a hybrid combination using steam (and water) were in use. This new plant doesn’t use water, thereby keeping underground water reservoirs intact, and emissions low, the company reports.The plant was built in two years and will reach an annual output of 700 GWH, about enough energy to power 80,000 homes in New Zealand. Active over decades in Israel, Ormat has installed a total of about 350 MW of geothermal energy power plants in 14 sites in New Zealand already. Around the world, its sum total of geothermally-produced energy is about 1600 MW.Ormat officially based in the US, but with its operations and R&D in Israel. It has benefitted from Solyndra loans, offered by the US government to create clean energy in Nevada.
The New York Stock Exchange-traded company Ormat Technologies (NYSE:ORA) has built what’s being cited as theworld’s largest geothermal plant. Geothermal plants tap into heat emitted by the earth’s core, turning this otherwise wasted heat into electricity. The 100 MW plant now online in New Zealand is being called the world’s largest: the Ngatamariki geothermal power plant cost $142 million USD to build ($12 million off target) and it is the biggest “singular binary power plant” ever constructed. Ormat says its energy converters are fed by a high temperature (380°F / 193°C) geothermal fluid. But until now only steam turbines or a hybrid combination using steam (and water) were in use. This new plant doesn’t use water, thereby keeping underground water reservoirs intact, and emissions low, the company reports.The plant was built in two years and will reach an annual output of 700 GWH, about enough energy to power 80,000 homes in New Zealand. Active over decades in Israel, Ormat has installed a total of about 350 MW of geothermal energy power plants in 14 sites in New Zealand already. Around the world, its sum total of geothermally-produced energy is about 1600 MW.Ormat officially based in the US, but with its operations and R&D in Israel. It has benefitted from Solyndra loans, offered by the US government to create clean energy in Nevada.
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